Player Divisions

Youth Player Age Divisions (based on birth year):

What is "Competitive" Soccer?

Competitive Soccer is "travel" soccer and you can anticipate participation in leagues and tournaments in the Twin Cities Metro as well as out of state as they get older. 

The competitive soccer year runs end of July to end of July the following year. Competitive Soccer starts with Tryouts. Be on the lookout to register for competitive soccer tryouts starting mid July on the North East United Soccer Club (NEU) website. Typical tryout dates are the mid to last weekend in July and are FREE. 

If you miss tryouts please contact: as soon as possible. Once Evaluators have had the chance to form teams, expect an email from the club regarding team placement within a week of tryouts.


You will need to Register your player on the NEU website this secures your players placement on the team. It is required to submit a copy of your players’ Birth Certificate or passport when registering. *Note, typically a short window of time to do this.

You will be able to choose to have your player do one of the following: 


Year Round (this registration deadline is early August) for ages 9U-15U.

●  Fall season runs from mid-August through early October.
●  Winter Indoor training starts early-November and runs through early April
●  Spring & Summer season runs from mid-April through mid July. 




16U-19U Winter to Summer Winter & Spring+Summer Season. To hold your spot on a team, you will have one week after tryouts to register. 

●  Winter Indoor Training starts mid-November and runs through early April, Spring+Summer season runs from mid-April through early July. 


Fall Season: 2-3 practices a week in Maplewood; once games start, expect fewer practices if there are games. This is a shorter season that consists of ~ 6 games (typically games are held on Saturday/Sundays, but would possibly be played during the weekday evenings), with the opportunity to play in the Twin Cities Soccer League (TCSL) Final Four, if your team qualifies based on league play. Games are typically within a 30-minute radius, but can be located anywhere in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. Fall Season is for under High School age, as normally, High Schoolers play for their school. 

Winter Training: These sessions can occur at multiple locations and
will be twice per week. Coaches may also ask if players are interested in an indoor league for an additional cost. 

Spring+Summer: 2-3 practices per week. This is the main soccer season. There will be ~10 league games (typically held on weekday evenings) and your team/coach will decide on how many tournaments to play during the season. Games are typically within a 30-minute radius, but can be located anywhere in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. 

Tournaments – each team will have 1 guaranteed tournament
(hosted by NEU), with the options for a 2nd/3rd. If the club budget allows, there is the potential for a second tournament paid for directly by the club. 

Note that when you register for NEU soccer, you are also committing to volunteer hours for the NEU tournament, per player registered. 

Teams have the opportunity to fundraise money to pay for additional tournaments; this will be determined by the team/coach. 

Twin Cities Soccer League (TCSL) Final Four and Jamborees– if your team qualifies, this is an additional tournament that is paid for by the club. 

Travel – if your coach determines that it is in the teams’ best interest, they may select an out-of-town tournament. 

This typically applies to older teams (U13 and above) and will be a group decision. Paid for by the team members. 

Uniform Kit

You will receive an email for ordering, at an additional cost, your player’s Uniform Kit (Home/Away & Practice Jerseys, Shorts & Socks). The Uniform Kits are used for two Full Seasons (the new Uniform Kit went into effect August 2023; next kit order will need to be placed in August 2025) . Each kit is custom made for our club.

Kits will need to be ordered right away if playing in the Fall. If you are doing the Winter/Spring+Summer option, there are multiple opportunities to order uniforms and email notifications will be sent. 

Team Communication

You will receive an email from your Team Manager/Coach/Club Admin to access Team Snap (phone app highly recommended or there is a desktop version); this will be the main communication channel used by your Coach/Team for upcoming practices, weather notification, games, and any schedule changes. 

If you are participating in the 16U-19U program, you will receive this notification following the Fall season (mid-October)

Still have questions? Want to get involved in the Club?


Questions on Registration/ Financial Support/ Uniforms/ TeamSnap/ Administrative Support etc.

Questions on Coaching/Competitive Soccer 


Questions on Recreational Soccer